Joey Gray Elephant Silicone Teether
Baby elephants are born with some of their teeth already in place, but your little one will need a bit of help when their pearly whites start to come through. The adorable Joey Elephant Baby Safe Silicone Teether by Douglas is here to help them through this uncomfortable stage, as well as to be a friend no matter what your little one is going through. Measuring approximately 4.25 inches, this enchanting elephant silicone teether is shaped like a beautiful elephant, with an adorable closed-eye expression on his delightfully childlike face. Designed in soothing shades of gray and yellow, the Joey Elephant Baby Safe Silicone Teether by Douglas is made from a highly durable yet soft silicone that is totally safe for babies, and because he has a cut-out in the middle, he can be attached with a ribbon to a stroller to ensure he’s right there when your baby needs him the most. With stripey ears that will catch the attention of curious kiddos, this sweet silicone elephant teether also has a special friend to help him; an adorable little bird in a matching yellow color. The finishing touch to the Joey Elephant Baby Safe Silicone Teether by Douglas, though, is the yellow polka dot feet, which will keep this enchanting teether elephant walking into your child’s life, to provide comfort and companionship.